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Mostly a web development blog

Japanese for the internet

Posted: November 29th, 2007 | Posted in: General

I don’t know whether or not many of the people who visit my website will be interested in reading this, but I thought I’d compile some notes for using Japanese online, starting with some Japanese web terminology and then moving on to an example of an introductory message/email in Japanese.

Let’s begin with some simple words.

Simple Words

These are words are the ones very commonly used in Japanese sentences. Don’t go anywhere without them.

English Word Romaji/Pronunciation Japanese Text
Me/I watashi
You anata あなた
We watashitachi 私たち
They karera (masc.) kanojora (fem.) 彼ら(masc.) 彼女ら (fem.
Y’all anatatachi あなたたち
The sono その
Of/belonging to no
Person jin


Part of any introduction with people from a different country will almost always make reference to nationality, so here’s a small list.

English Word Romaji/Pronunciation Japanese Text
Japan Nihon 日本
UK Eikoku/Igirisu 英国/イギリス
USA Amerika アメリカ
Australia Osutoraria オーストラリア
Italy Itarii イタリー
Spain Supein スペイン
France Furansu フランス
Germany Doitsu 独逸

Knowing the country name also easily allows you to say which language you speak by adding “” (“go”) to the end of the Japanese text for the country. For example:

French = “furansugo” => フランス語.

Unfortunately it’s not so simple for English, which is “eigo” => 英語.

OK, with the simple words out of the way let’s move on to some Japanese for internet terminology.

Internet Words

These are words we all use online every day, and this is how Japanese people say and write them.

English Word Romaji/Pronunciation Japanese Text
Website/site uebusaito/saito ウェブサイト/サイト
E-mail denshimeeru 電子メール
Blog burogu ブログ
Link rinku リンク
RSS Feed RSS saito samarii RSSサイト・サマリー
Photos shashin 写真
Images imeejizu イメージズ
Comment komento コメント
Page peeji ページ
Design dezain デザイン
Web designer webudezainaa ウェブデザイナー
Graphic designer gurafikkudezainaa グラフィックデザイナー

Ok, now that we have some vocabulary let’s string some of it together into something that could be used as a random e-mail to a Japanese person…

An E-mail in Japanese

This is a simple introduction e-mail which isn’t too formal and at the same time, not informal either.

Here goes…



=> Pleased to meet you.


totsuzen no messeeji shitsurei itashimasu

=> Sorry for the random/sudden message.


nihongo ga sukoshi wakarimasu. watashi ha nihongo o kaku to kanarazu sukoshi machigaeru, gomen.

=> I understand a little Japanese. If I use Japanese I am bound to make some mistakes, sorry.


watashi no namae ha (name) desu. watashi ha (country) jin desu

=> My name is (name). I am (nationality).


shokugyou ha (job title) desu. (something I like) to (something else I like) ga daisuki!

=> I work as a (job title/occupation). I love (something) and (something else) a lot.

あなたの[デザイン] [写真] [イメージズ] [ウェブサイト]はすごいですね!

anata no [ dezain ] [ shashin ] [ imeejizu ] [ webusaito ] (choose one, or place “と” between two things for ”and“)ha sugoi desu ne!

=> Your (design) (photos) (images) (website) is/are cool!

私のウェブサイトは[INSERT YOUR WEBSITE URL]です。かったら私のウェブサイトにもときどき遊びにいらしてくださいね。

watashi no webusaito ha (link to your website) desu. kattara watashi no webusaito ni mo tokidoki asobi ni ira shi te kudasai ne.

=> My web site is (link). Come and have a look around if you like.

私は[INSERT YOUR COUNTRY]人なんですが、よかったら仲良くしてください。

watashi ha (country) jin nan desu ga, yokattara nakayokushite kudasai.

=> Although I am a foreigner from (country), let’s make friends.


tanoshii wadai o tanoshimi ni shiteiru wa.

=> I look forward to interesting conversations.


yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.

=> Thank you for your consideration


And that’s all there is to it!

Now go and find some Japanese people and be friends :)